Original Roof in Lancaster, OH
Our client's roof in Lancaster, Ohio, was in serious need of a replacement after years of wear and tear.

Shingle Removal in Lancaster, OH
Before we can place the new shingles, we must get rid of the old ones. Our team carefully removed the worn out shingles from this client's roof in Lancaster, Ohio.

After Shingle Removal in Lancaster, OH
Here is what the roof looked like after our experts removed the shingles and exposed the decking.

Underlayment Installation in Lancaster, OH
Take a look as our team installs the underlayment for this client's roof in Lancaster, Ohio.

Shingle Installation in Lancaster, OH
Here are our contractors beginning to lay out the new shingles for our client's roof.

Completed Roof Replacement in Lancaster, OH
Here is the finished product! A beautiful job done by our team of experts.