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Before & After

Roof Repair in Columbus, OH

Klaus Larsen Roofing recently met with Dave, a new homeowner, to inspect his hipped roof and gutters. There was no attic access, but the roof had one chimney and a Permaboot. We discussed replacing the cap vents with a ridge vent for better ventilation. Dave was shown various options and the full roofing process, along with pricing details. He mentioned he had contacted no other contractors and didn’t plan to. While happy with the price, Dave requested a couple of days to think it over, as he had just purchased the home six months ago. We were able to complete the job leaving Dave very satisfied with his purchase. 

Our Service Area

Proudly Serving OHIO

We service Columbus

Our Locations:

Klaus Larsen Roofing
2219 Westbrooke Dr Suite E5
Columbus, OH 43228
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