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How to Identify Roof Leaks: Tips from Klaus Larsen Roofing

Roof leaks can manifest in various forms, and while some are easily noticeable, others may be more discreet. One of the most apparent signs of a leak is the presence of water stains or discoloration on your ceiling. If you spot rings of color or observe water dripping from the ceiling, it's crucial to address the issue promptly.


Among the most common leaks, you may notice a brownish color accompanied by a darker gray circle on your ceiling. The darker hue typically indicates the wet portion of the ceiling, and you can even gently touch the area to assess the extent of moisture in the surrounding region.

The presence of brownish staining signifies that water has accumulated over time. If you notice several rings of staining, it suggests that the leak has occurred and dried up multiple times. A roof leak may have to penetrate several layers before reaching your ceiling, indicating that your roof could be the source of the issue. Possible causes of such leaks include poorly executed roofing, an aged roof, or damage caused by severe weather conditions.


To protect yourself, your family, and your valuable investments, it's essential to conduct thorough research on roofing solutions. At Klaus Larsen Roofing, we offer a 50-year warranty to ensure that you remain covered for many years to come.


For a free estimate, don't hesitate to call us today. Our team is ready to assist you in addressing any roofing concerns and safeguarding your home's integrity.

Our Service Area

Proudly Serving OHIO

We service Columbus

Our Locations:

Klaus Larsen Roofing
2219 Westbrooke Dr Suite E5
Columbus, OH 43228
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