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What is Roofing Underlayment?

aerial view of building getting a roof replacement with underlayment visible


What is Roofing Underlayment?

Underlayment is a critical material to use when installing a roof. Why is that? Take a look at the ceiling above your head. Above that, you have an attic (whether accessible or not) with rafters overhead. On top of your rafters is the decking, then there is underlayment, and finally, there are shingles. Underlayment provides a barrier between the shingles and your roof’s decking.

Why is Underlayment Necessary?

Underlayment is like having a tarp on your roof as a layer of protection against the elements. While the shingles do most of the hard work, if they are damaged or blown off during a storm, the underlayment will keep your decking dry. The underlayment alone is not a long-term solution, but it will hold up until you are able to replace the shingles.

What Are the Different Kinds of Underlayment?

Tar Paper


Tar paper underlayment has been around since the 1800s. It is a combination of tar and sheets of paper or fiberglass.

What are the pros of tar paper? 


  • Fairly inexpensive
  • Breathes well 
  • Can be used when installing all types of roofs

What are the cons of tar paper?

  • Very heavy and dense
  • Can tear easily (during installation and overtime)


Klaus Roofing of Ohio uses synthetic underlayment, as do most contractors these days. This type of underlayment is typically made of woven plastic. As one of our certified inspectors, Brian Thom, puts it, "Synthetic underpayment is very durable. The only way to tear it is with a knife or scissors. It is fast and easy to install, UV and water-resistant, and helps provide for a safe roof installation."

What are the pros of synthetic underlayment?

  • More than double the square footage of tar paper by weight
  • Won’t tear without extreme force
  • Better water tightness


What are the cons of synthetic underlayment?

  • Doesn’t breathe as easily but works great as long as your roof is properly vented


Now that you know what’s providing an extra layer of protection over your home, you may know when it needs to be replaced or repaired.


If your shingles or underlayment are damaged, we can help! Schedule a free estimate with Klaus Roofing of Ohio for all of your roof replacement and repair needs!



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Proudly Serving OHIO

We service Columbus

Our Locations:

Klaus Larsen Roofing
2219 Westbrooke Dr Suite E5
Columbus, OH 43228